Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sunshine on my face makes me happy!

Well, look at that, Mom did it again! But look at me now, ha?
Who doesn't love sunshine on their face! I am watching something moving out there in the yard. It sure was interesting, I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

There are now flowers in yellow and pink out there. Oh what a joy to see this wonderful weather. There can never be enough sunshine as far as I am concerned.

Last time I told you all that Christmas season was under way, mom was busy baking, and some of us tried to help her, but all we did is make a mess with the four. So mom banned us from the kitchen. Of course we found something else to do that was fun- inspect the Christmas tree.

Silly Nicky was checking for presents IN the tree, until I told him that presents come under the tree. He didn't believe me and kept looking.
Puddles was laughing her head off seeing him doing that. She was another one of my room mates at the time.

Which reminds me, Nicky and Puddles were adopted! They found a forever home, I am so glad for them, even if I miss biting Nicky's ears, and hanging all over him. I guess I'll have to find another boyfriend now to put a spell on. I'm glad I have so many wonderful loyal subjects that probably wouldn't mind being my special friend, support, and even put up with a little ear biting. I am happy to report that as of the moment I am doing very well!

Aside from that, the Holiday season over, and a new year started. We all tried our best to stay warm. Everyone was doing well, and the rambunctious kids, Carlton and Ritz were still doing their nightly romping around, it's a wonder anyone got any sleep. So the new year began.

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