Monday, February 26, 2007

Snow is on it's way...

Yep, it is true, more snow is coming.

I better bundle up to stay warm. Or cuddle up to someone like Guenter. He has enough body fat for both of us, and
he likes cuddling too. Mom is trying to stay warm too, as she still has that nasty cold. She is making strange noise, she calls it coughing. Sounds really scary to us. She just stayed in bed all day snuggling with us, which is such a treat for us. She rarely stays put for any length of time, so we take full advantage of that opportunity.

Well, Fall of 2005 was relatively uneventful. Drew had his first surgery on his eyes. The weather was still nice and sunny. As the fall ended and winter came we all were batting down the hatches for the cold season. Some of my friends grew snow shoes, like Teddy, others just grew a thicker coat. Mom took more pictures as the holidays approached. Mom found a hat she called Santa hat. Once I got a hold of it I had a lot of fun with it, and I was not about to give it back. A long time ago, on my first Christmas mom took an awful picture of me with a Santa hat on my head, I hope she never finds that one. It looks absolutely awful. At least that year, 2005, I was much bigger, I weight 6 lbs. now and I felt GREAT! I could fight back when she tried to put a hat on me, and she finally gave up on that idea. I decided to become more affectionate with my mom, and let her hold me more often. I kind of started to like it, and took many opportunities to rub my face all over my mom. She seemed to like that a lot.
Life was getting definitely more fun, playing and being mischievous, as mom called it. I was just having a good old time. I had no incidence since my surgery, and with the increase of Lactulose all my trouble seemed to be under control, at least for the moment.
The year ended peacefully for all of us, except that Tiny Boy started to get sick. He was now the oldest boy in the house. I hoped that he would be the next king, but he was not interested in the position, as he had health issues, and felt that he was not up to the job of keeping everyone in line. I did my best to take on the job to become the next in line to take on that job. I mean, someone had to be in charge, helping mom keep things under control. Richie wanted the job, but he was an airhead, prone to momentary outbursts of childish, and juvenile behavior, not befitting a king. He certainly lacked self control in dealing with his subjects. Not a very good candidate for such an important position.

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