Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh what a mess!!

Why is it that people have to make such a mess in my Palace? You wouldn't believe the stuff mom stashed in the living room, MY livingroom. She had a tag sale yesterday, and what didn't sell is in MY livingroom. I can hardley stand it.
Even though it's somewhat interesting to sniff everything, and take apart what I can, it still is annoying not to be able to run around the coffe talbe to give chase to the nasty little kids.
Yes, yes, nasty little kids. One of them just is a BULLY. His name is Frankie, he just won't leave me alone, always touching, grabbing me. I hate him, really, and I rarely hate anything, except being sick.

Just look at him, even trying his best to knock the camera out of moms hand. I swear, his legs are way too long, even his tail, he can touch his head, if he wanted too.

In other news, the weather has been frightful. CT was hit by a serious of strong Thunderstorms. The last 2 days were so scary for us that we, that is us kitties tried to fing places to hide, just in case. Mom had the flashlight ready, hoping the power wouldn't go out and flood the cellar, again. When the hail started we all (except mom) ran for cover. The sound was awful. From what mom told us, we are due for more all next week. Mom's worried about the big Pine tree in the back yard. If that falls our home is done for. Hope everyone out there is save.

And now some long overdue pics of my feline family....enjoy.

Max, big fluffy, and oh so gentle.......

The old Lady of the house: Cookie (fig Newtens)

Poor old gal, joints creaking when she walks, but don't mess with her, asa she can really yell lowd, and boy can she get mad. I suppose when you get to be 16, your entitled to be cranky.

My turn,



What's up?


if you ask me, he looks kind of stupid with his toungue hanging out like that, but evrytime mom scratches his head-out comes the tounge. I have no idea what that is all about. Maybe it's a baby thing. Joshi is probably the most layed back boy in here. You can drop a plate, and he'll just look, and goes-yea....and?

TV-time....Buddy and Cookie are watching a really fun CD, just for kitties......

And now, the best part...the baby pictures....
Simon, and Frankie ,when they were just tiny babies...

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