Monday, June 25, 2007

Ma, it's raining kittens!

How am I ever going to get my story told with this onslaught of Kittens? Why do people dump babies? Or pregnant mom's? It's an awful world out there. Just the other day Children were trying to sell baby kittens, only 4 weeks old. What is wrong with that picture?

Look at those scared little babes. Now they are my size, and oh so fuzzy, my favorite kind. Tried to pull one into my cage but his head was too big.

Did I tell you all that the babies from my last entry have their mommy back?

Check it out! Doesn't that look like a happy reunion!

Everyone looks happy here, and it's so much better for the babies.
Just one thing I want to add here- remember when I said spay and neuter your cats. Well, this is what happens when you don't. some awful people dumped pregnant mom (who is totally tame), to give birth possibly for the first time all alone in the wild. Shame on these people for being so heartless! If they didn't know what to do, they could have called a shelter, or better yet prevent this from happening in the first place.
I have to go play with the fuzzy babies now.

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