Thursday, March 15, 2007

What a week is was!

It started out all harmless and normal. And then the power went out overnight. As a result the cellar flooded, what a cold mess that was. Mom locked us all up until she could get most of it cleaned up. She didn't want us to run around in the water, I don't know why, it was kind of fun, but cold. She called it a big mess!

June 2006

I let my mom hold me for a picture. I also kept an eye out for flies,

and the neighborhood. The windowsill is one of my favorite spots in the house. I could see everything that was going on, inside and out. My health issues were under control at the moment, and all was well. Teddy was rolling around in the tub to keep cool, and Drew was growing. As you all can see he was just about my size by now, and we were having a blast with a paper bag.

Mom always gives us some big paper bag to play with until we manage to destroy it, then it goes into the trash.

July 2006 trouble was starting to brew. I got a itchy nose, and I wasn't very hungry. So, off to the vet we went. There was a new vet, and he didn't know much about me, so my mommy filled him in. He was really nice, but when he mentioned taking some blood, I thought it best to let him know how I felt about that, and took some of his. Considering that he was poking around in my mouth and all, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to establish who the boss is, right then and there. He was actually very nice about it, and didn't hold a grudge. So I gave him a little purr, just to let him know that from here on out we were friends. He gave mom some medicine to help me eat, but after a month of not getting better, we went to see my very favorite Specialist. Mom was getting worried that my liver was failing. The specialist took some blood and ran more tests, and I stayed for a short visit. All the people in the ICU know me and are always so nice to me. I don't mind going there, it's a wonderful safe place to be when you're sick.

I sure felt awful. I made myself into a little ball on my moms bed. I'm glad mom didn't wait too long to take me to my special vet.

They thought that maybe I had Pancreatitis or something awful going on in my belly. But it turned out that I had no such thing, and to this day no one knows for sure what went wrong with me.
I was sent home with more medication and had 2 more check-ups afterwards. Whatever it was made me sick for almost a month, and for the first time in over a year I had a seizure. Another weird thing happened, I couldn't recognize some things anymore. Some normally familiar things didn't smell normal, and frightened me. These strange things lasted only a short time, but were very disturbing to myself and to mom. The vet told mom to increase the Lactulose some more for the time being, as it seemed that my liver was not working as well at the moment. I was so tired all the time, and didn't feel like playing. I just wanted to sleep, and with the medication eat. Eventually, everything straightened itself out. I remained on antibiotics to prevent another situation like this. By the end of August I felt much better, and even gained some weight. I was busy playing and causing mischief again.

Just look at the fun I was having ripping
the shower curtain to shreds, while playing hide and seek with my friends.
And playing with the rat on a string; so it got caught on my head, big deal. I was having fun, that's all that mattered. Because I ate and slept so much I had gained a lot of weight, I weight 7.5 lbs, a regular porker.

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